Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chase Rules for Pathfinder

I just came across these rules on "", a website for, well, geeks. As the author details in his commentary, if there is one thing I have never been satisfied with it's the lack of good cinematic chase scene rules. There is just no incentive to run or chase or to ever have to move once combat has engaged.

These VERY SIMPLE rules are a quick and easy read....AND easy to implement.

The gist?

Step 1. Roll Initiative (if you haven't already started)

Step 2. Roll your movement for the round and apply modifiers

Step 3. Avoid or surmount obstacles

Step 4. Determine if you are closer or further from your quarry / pursuers - the scale is from 1 to 6. If you hit 1, you are caught or you catch your quarry. If it's a 6, you have lost them or your target has lost you.

SIMPLE. The DM can get as cinematic as necessary, but the rules themselves lend themselves to a natural, fast-paced chase.

Bravo to The Geek for this super slick rule set.

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